We believe that the only way to learn and get that experience is through doing it, so we've created a mock commercial experience to take dancers through the entire scope of a commercial from beginning to end. We will run our experience exactly how a commercial would be with the students. Day 1, dancers will learn choreography from Mariah, do a full commercial style fitting, lunch break, come back and clean the choreo. After that, we ask the studio owner/manager to come in as our "commercial client" and watch the entire choreo and leave feedback for us. (We have prompts for you to use so that the right questions are asked and feedback to give that you would hear from real clients, so don't worry!) Lastly, we give each dancer a call sheet for the next day and go over how to read it and then we open up the floor to a Q & A so that the dancers can ask us any questions about both the dance and film aspects of being on set!

Day 2 is the real deal! The choreo's been learned, outfits are ready, and we are ready to film the mock commercial! We will scout a location before the event and coordinate with the studio when and where to be for film day! The dancers will perform the choreo learned on day one in the location(s) we've scouted with Mariah directing the entire process. I (Kody) will have my full professional camera equipment ready to film the commercial! After completion of the shoot, I will need 2 weeks to complete the editing process of the commercials and we will send out a copy to each dancer (and parents of course) to show off all their hard work and to put on the resumes and dance reels!